Overwatch skill rating guides

Searching for tricks on how to improve your skill rating in Overwatch? The same remains true for Baptiste and Moira, who were critical support choices in the initial shield meta. Baptiste doubles as a “third DPS” thanks to his primary fire and Moira remains a powerful healer despite nerfs to her abilities. Zenyatta has made a surprising return due to his Discord ability, now able to be used effectively once shields are destroyed. He must be paired with a high-output healer like Baptiste to be most effective, however.

Once you hit Gold though, you’ll meet a vast array of people. Some players in Gold are aiming for the big leagues, whereas others might have just started out or been recently promoted from Silver. Either way, you’ll come across some people who want to play a lone wolf kind of game, while others are more interested in forming a viable team composition. In Gold, you’ll see players who have ‘mains,’ meaning that they play the same hero most of the time in order to become especially competent at performing that individual hero’s role. Continue reading “Overwatch skill rating guides”